Toronto Fringe Review: Sarah St-Fleur: La Québécoise From Toronto

In the closing days of Toronto Fringe, Sarah St-Fleur continues to dish out a spicy blend of comedy and heartfelt storytelling in her debut solo show, Sarah St-Fleur: La Quebecoise from Toronto. It’s a delightful mix that’s as comforting as poutine and as lively as jerk chicken—except with way more laughs!

St-Fleur takes us through a pivotal moment and all the memories leading up to it, especially delving into her relationship with her mother—cue the collective "awws" and "uh-ohs" from the audience! Her raw emotions resonate deeply, pulling everyone in as if they’re experiencing it firsthand. But even in the midst of these touching moments, St-Fleur never forgets the comedy. Her quips are like unexpected bursts of flavour, keeping the audience on their toes and chuckling throughout.

What truly sets this show apart is St-Fleur’s knack for blending comedy with cultural depth. With a nod to her Haitian roots, she invites the audience into her world with interactive storytelling that’s both engaging and enlightening.

The stage itself is a visual feast—a warm glow bathes the space, transforming it into a cozy living room where you half-expect marshmallows roasting over an imaginary campfire. It’s the perfect backdrop for St-Fleur’s anecdotes, each one shining brightly thanks to her infectious energy.

While St-Fleur’s storytelling is top-notch, the show concludes somewhat abruptly. It’s like assembling a shelf and finding an extra piece in the box—throwing you for a loop but leaving you wanting more. Perhaps it’s a deliberate choice, teasing us with the possibility of future tales and a sequel to tie up those loose ends!

Time is ticking to catch Sarah St-Fleur: La Quebecoise from Toronto before the curtain drops at Toronto Fringe! It’ll warm you up like a mother’s signature soup—perfect for rounding off a week of Fringe-ing!

Sarah St-Fleur: La Québécoise From Toronto is on now until July 13 at the Toronto Fringe. Show times and tickets.